Looking at the whole from different angles, changing perspectives, always having the »What else could be possible? How could things be different?« in mind, discovering new spaces of reality and new opportunities. Think, pause and consider, and then go further.
Turbulent times need spaces for thinking:
► Changes in perspective
► Discovery of opportunities
► Extension and addition of new solution areas
► Experiencing new things
»What exhausts us is the disuse of our organs and our senses. What motivates us is development. Development that takes place because we are challenged by the outer world.«
Hugo Kükelhaus (1900 – 1984)
Field of experience:
Transfer consulting rooms | Transfer Beratungsräume | Transfer consulting rooms |
Transfer orange | Transfer consulting rooms | Transfer consulting rooms |
Transfer consulting rooms | Transfer consulting rooms | Transfer blue |
Our website was designed by the photo artist and architectural photographer Norbert Miguletz.
He says: »For me, a well-designed photograph shows that which is depicted naturally, but at the same time brings out what makes it special. I am happy when my photographs capture the delicate yet intense balance between spontaneity and staging, between lightness and concentration, and maybe these tensions emerge only at second glance.
The shutter of my camera is wide open, just as my perception is wide and open-minded. I adjust swiftly to circumstances: Sometimes, time is short and the job is urgent, change is coming in or has already happened. And sometimes there is enough time to do a more thorough job, to immerse yourself in the matter, see it from changing perspectives, explore it with my camera-eye and engage with it for an extended period of time.«
Book reviews are following soon.